So I'm not too adjusted to the time change yet and I really don't like it getting dark early.
Good news, I got my invite to ravelry this weekend, only I found out today. Our computer at home bit the dust this weekend so I couldn't check my mail. What a joke on me, I get my ravelry invite, something I have been waiting for, and the computer dies. How nice is that....
Anyway, I'm looking forward to 1. getting a new computer, 2. exploring ravelry, and taking pictures of my stuff to share. Meet a bunch of new friends.
I did finish the chemo cap that I was working on and the weirdest thing, other than it spiraling in the first place, is that half way through, it spiraled the other direction. Everyone I have shown it to thinks it is a fluke, but i am going to get another ball of the Comfort yarn and try it again and see what happens.
tonight is knitting group and I will probably work on the Four Seasons Throw that I'm making for my sister. All I have left is to do the fringe then block it. We'll see.
Monday, November 5, 2007
A case of the Mundays
Posted by Wandering Knitter at Monday, November 05, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Chemo Caps
I have decided to start knitting for charity. It isn't a whim, I have been thinking about this for a long time now.
So I started knitting a few Chemo Caps I found on Head Huggers. After I have a few done I think I will send them to Sue Thompson for distribution to various sites. So far there are no groups, that I have been able to find in my area. Anyways, I am knitting just your basic ribbed cap with Berocco's new Comfort yarn. It is so soft, and the really cool thing is that I had no idea that the varigated yarns spiral like a candy cane when they are knit in the round. It actually just appeared before my eyes as I was knitting. I looked on their site and there is no mention of this very happy accident. It makes the hat look so cool. I was really surprised, because my when I did a small guage swatch it looked like your everyday varigated yarn. Just have to say, I love this yarn, it is really soft and for the purpose I have chosen it I hope the recipient loves it just as much.
So obviously, here is the guage swatch. I know, it isn't 4 inches, but at least I did one.
Prepare to be amazed......
My husband says it reminds him of a grape candy cane. And yes, the color looks awful, it is a blue-purple color.
Posted by Wandering Knitter at Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Monday, October 29, 2007
Why does it have to be Monday
First, I would like to say that I'm fairly new to this whole blogging thing. So I'm really trying to do everything correctly.
Second, not sure if I mentioned this before but I am obsessed with knitting podcasts. I listen to them everyday on my commute to and from work. Frankly, it's the only way that I can get through the commute without running half the people off the road around here. I know, not very nice, but I am not good in traffic. So I have been listening to a few from around the world and it is so exciting to see how big the knitting community really is.
One podcast that I absolutely love, unfortunately it only comes out once a month, is Changelings Knit and Stitch podcast. What I love about the podcast is her "Visits to a Yarn Store." Now everyone who has ever worked in retail can relate to the sometimes strange customers that come in to your shop. What is also amusing is, being a yarn shop junkie, I can see some of my own personality traits in her characters as well.
Another podcast that I love to listen to is Stash and Burn. What is exciting about this podcast is that they are right in my own back yard. Although I haven't been to all the shops they talk about, I enjoy the banter between Jenny and Nicole.
I will talk about other podcasts in the future.
Now for my questions to the online knitting community. (I am still waiting for my ravelry invite, I expect it anyday now.)
1. How does one find online groups to join?
2. What exactly are webrings, and again how does one join? Or why does one join a webring?
So if anyone can help me, it would be greatly appreciated.
Posted by Wandering Knitter at Monday, October 29, 2007
knitting podcasts,
stash and burn
Thursday, October 25, 2007
No Knitting
Well, I'm back.
I have been crazy busy with work and home. I am still waiting patiently for my invite to Ravelry. I can't wait, I'm so excited. I haven't been knitting much lately, because it seems every time I start something, it isn't exactly what I'm picturing and I take it out. I have done it about 7 times with this wonderful Berocco Ultra Alpaca I have. First it was a sweater, then I didn't like that so I took it out. Next it was possibly going to be the tilted duster on the cover of the Fall 2007 Interweave Knits, however the yarn didn't feel heavy enough for that pattern. Then it was going to be a tubular scarf. I've done about 2 inches of that and I think I'm going to take it out and write another scarf pattern. I'm not sure at this point.
I am having the hardest time finishing projects, i can't seem to concentrate on one thing, and I really have to start knitting my holiday gifts. That's going to be fun.
However, even though I haven't been knitting. I have been engrossed listening to podcast on my daily commutes. I love the fact that the knitting community is so huge, and I can listen to what people are knitting all over the world. It is fantastic. When I visit my mom at Thanksgiving, I am definately going to have to set her up with the podcasts.
Posted by Wandering Knitter at Thursday, October 25, 2007
Friday, October 12, 2007
Weekend Weather Worries
I am sitting at my desk looking out at the icky weather we are having today, and am wondering if it will ruin our plans for the weekend. Of course it would rain the day before my friends and I are about to spend the weekend at outdoor events.
Days like this I would rather be at home in bed with a good book or movie, knitting of course. I have been trying to work on the Tilted Duster on the cover of the Fall 2007 Interweave Knits. Unfortunately I have to adjust all the measurements, because I am I guess you would say bustier than the pattern allows for. I also don't want it to spread open as much. Has anyone noticed how O'Keefe-esk the front of the duster is with the ribbing making the shape that it does. Just wondering. I was also trying to use some Berroco Ultra Alpaca to do the duster in, however it just doesn't seem like it would be heavy enough. So I have to put it on hold until I figure out the measurments and get some new yarn (oh darn, new yarn). I do think I am going to use some of the Ultra Alpaca for Fetching from Knitty, and make a cabled scarf to match. We'll see.
I love starting projects, but am having the worst time finishing things. It's like I'm A.D.D. when it comes to projects. My husband always asks when I'm going to finish this, or that, and my sister is still waiting for her Four Seasons throw from Manos. I really should finish that, all that is left is the edging and to block it. I will definitely post a pic when it is finished. Its the second one I have made. I am working on a third, that is in SF Giants colors for my mother-in-law, out of Cascade Pastaza and Cascade Eco.
Well, I gotta get back to what I'm supposed to be doing.
Posted by Wandering Knitter at Friday, October 12, 2007